The last week was so busy that I have made the last two days mellow and in our routine.
Tuesday: I took the girls to Disneyland on my own. We had a great time, the girls were perfect and it was just a great outing.
Friday: Ben's dad got here in the morning and we hung out and then went to lunch. Courtney was so excited to see Gak Gak, she practically ran into his arms when he got here. Friday night, Ben's mom, sister, her husband and their baby arrived. We visited for a bit and then headed off to bed since we had to be up early.

Saturday: I was up at 4:45 am to get the girls ready and out the door by 6:30.

We headed to Riverside to Auntie Elisabeth's graduation at Cal Baptist. The girls did ok, considering the circumstances (college graduation with 750+ graduates). Once that was over we met all the family at the graduation party for Elisabeth and her sister. Then off to the Angel's Baseball game. The girls had so much fun at the game. Daddy bought Courtney popcorn and put M&Ms in it, then he bought her cotton candy in which she absolutely loved.

She held that pink sugar in her hands until it literally disinigrated. She bounced between family members and was on a pure sugar high. When the Rally Monkey came out "Easter Monkey" she was completely enthralled. Daddy bought her one and she bounced it and danced with it. She cheered and loved every minute.

Fortunately the day was surrounded by family which kept Courtney and Caylee busy and their minds off our crazy schedules. By the time we got home it was 10:30 pm.

Sunday: Mother's Day: We went to church and then to lunch. The girls took turns trying to be the worst child of the day. Caylee was cranky because her day was off yesterday and again that day. She finally went to sleep but then was woken up by Courtney who bopped her on the head. Courtney was just being crazy. She was a mess, she was throwing food, screaming, rocking her high chair, etc.

Just being plain rude. I finally had to take Courtney to the car as she screamed and kicked her way out and then continued to scream in the car. I didn't get to eat my lunch and was not a happy mommy. We went to South Coast Plaza with the family and fortunately Courtney fell asleep in the car and slept almost our entire time at the mall (4 hours!). Caylee took much longer to fall asleep and screamed her head off for the first 10 min at the mall. She eventually gave up and we had both kids asleep. So we shopped around with the family until it was time to wake Caylee to feed her. An exhausting day even though we didn't do much.
Monday: Disneyland! The family all left and as our little family we had decided we would do the entire day at Disneyland. We have never done a full day like this before. We were there from open to close. We had a lot of fun. The girls did pretty good, but Courtney didn't nap again. At one point, Ben was taking a break and I took the girls around to look at the sights in Disneyland and we arrived just in time as all the characters were coming out.

We stood in line for Donald Duck, then we saw Goofy, next Pluto. She had brought with her a Pluto stuffed animal and a Donald stuffed animal. She brought the Pluto stuffed animal up to Pluto and he was really sweet to her and was acting goofy. She laughed and laughed. He even came and gave Caylee a kiss in the stroller. Then he spotted her Donald and grabbed it. He then grabbed Courtney's hand and ran with her all the way down to see Donald. The two characters danced with her and played around. It was so cool! All the while both had long lines waiting to see them.

At around 3 We met up with our friends Gaddiel and Karly and they were with their friends. So as a group we traveled together. We took Courtney on the "Big Ferris Wheel", we rode with Gaddiel and Karly. They were screaming, Sadie was scared and so was Ben. Courtney freaked out. She was so scared and of course was being held by daddy who was also being freaked out. It was pretty funny. I think that ride is great. They were going on bigger rides and I think Courtney was getting pretty bored sitting in the stroller, so she was really acting up at the end.
We got home late again. So many crazy days we spent the next several days at home doing the bare minimum. It took Caylee about 4 days to get back to normal.
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