Thursday, July 14, 2011

You swallowed a penny!!

"Mommy! Look! My monies are all gone". Oh the dreadful words a mommy hears as her toddler points to her wide open mouth. "What?!!!"

I had the two girls in the car with me and we were getting back from a playdate. Our van was looking messy and I wanted to clean it out a bit. I let Courtney roam thru the van as I cleaned up a bit. I found a penny in the back and said to Courtney, "Coco, look I found a penny! Do you want it for your piggy bank?". She immediately came over with a smile on her face and said, "Yeah!". She has played with "monies" for over a year now and knows that we don't put it in our mouth.

About a minute later she tells me that she ate her penny. I didn't believe her and kept asking her over and over. I told her she would get in trouble if she did swallow it, so if she didn't we needed to find it. We searched that whole car and couldn't find it. She kept telling me she ate it and it was in her tummy.

I immediately looked on my phone to see if it was something I should take her in for (gotta love the iphone) or should i just see if it passes. Everything said take her in, so I made some calls and planned to just take her to the pediatrician which opened in an hour. Then daddy called and said to bring her into his work.

Daddy was working in Irvine, so it was super convienient. We went in and got the red carpet treatment. They were so great with Courtney, she was a little nervous, but they kept her at ease. Daddy was able to come down several times and see us and help out. Caylee ended up sleeping in the ergo, so it freed me up to concentrate on Courtney.

They took her in and took an xray of her. Daddy was able to hold her down and be right there. As they checked out her xray, Daddy went in with them. All of a sudden we heard a roar of laughter as the entire radiology department sees the penny in her tummy on the xray. So she wasn't lying! We showed Courtney, she broke the ice even more by saying "Poop!" to the whole group.

They sent us back with instructions that it should pass, but Mommy gets to search her poo for the penny to make sure. Courtney did great the whole time. She was a good listener and handled it well. Ben promised her ice cream, so I took her to the cafeteria and we got her an ice cream. She ate every last drop to the point that I threw the ice cream away and a few drops few on the trash can and before I could stop her she licked it off! Oh my Courtney.

To complete the craziness of the day, I thought we lost blankie. We could not find it anywhere and for the first time Courtney went to sleep without it. I ended up finding it in the car under Courtney's seat. Whew!! That could have been a really bad ending to an already crazy day.

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