Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Finally an ordinary day!

We have had a series of events (not fun ones) that have kept us out of the house all day then we had the weekend mixed in there which is never normal. So the today was the first in a while that we have had at home. We also, last week started school back up again. Courtney was so excited. She kept asking to do it again. So today we were able to do school again and she begged me all morning to start. We are going thru all the letters. When she focuses she can recognize alot of them. Just the uppercase ones. I'm doing zoo phonics with her, she likes that because it is motions and letter sounds too and it almost is like a song.

Once Caylee woke up, I worked on putting stuff in away in the girl's room while the girls played. It's so hard getting anything done in there.They make a mess as Im trying to clean up. Then I have to clean up their mess afterwards. I hate that their room is messy, but it always seems like Im transitioning clothes in and out.

We did lunch and Caylee did really well eating table foods. She has not done well with fruits and veggies in the past and today has done so well. It's like she changed over night. She also started saying "wa wa" for water.

We did storytime for Coco before naptime and Caylee was crazy. She kept torturing Romo and attacking Coco and I. It was funny, but I was trying to calm the mood down for Coco's nap. Caylee is now on a new nap schedule so she is up for almost 2 hours while Coco naps. This make doing errands difficult. Our window between naps is pretty narrow. Oh and now I have 2 hours of just Caylee and I, which makes getting housework done a little difficult while she is awake. I think I'm going to have her do playpen time in the afternoon also. She can get around the house really fast now which means she is into everything. Oh and Coco taught her about the Tupperware cabinet today. Huge mess!

After naps, i had to do some vacuuming and so Coco got out her vacuume and she vacuumed right along side me. Then I made dinner while
the Caylee ate and Coco played. We have been invaded by ants lately so I wasn't able to play with the girls like usual. I cleaned up dinner and then I gave the girls baths.

A pretty typical day.

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