Caylee is a good eater, she is not a fan of veggies unless they are pured. She loves most fruit especially if it is pured. Her favorite food is cherrios. The smile on her face when I bring out the box is priceless. She also likes gold fish and loves ice cream. You can't spooon it in fast enough.
I just love her goofy smile. She has 8 teeth now, including the 2 on top that are coming in now. She does this goofy smile where she scrunches up her nose and shows off her teeth. I love it. She gets very jealous if Courtney gets other food or extra attention. If Im holding Courtney in the "purple chair", she comes right up and starts torturing Courtney. She hits her, pulls her hair and shows us her goofy smile. She just wants to be a part of everything. Also, if Im holding another baby she cries and wants me to hold her. She loves her daddy. When daddy gets home from work, she gets a big smile and says "Dada, Dada!". She wants him to kiss her when he gets home and when he leaves. Her favorite game with Daddy is when he chases her.
I have started to separate her at naptime sometimes. She is a little instigator with Courtney. Courtney will be sleeping either in the morning or at nap and Caylee wakes up and tries her hardest to wake Coco so that she can play. She is usually successful. So I put her in the pack n play, at her afternoon nap, in our closet (thank goodness for walk in closets) and she sleeps great.
Caylee is still not walking, but she is standing on her own. Each day she is braver and stands longer. Today she was clapping for Courtney and standing on her own. She walks great holding onto a hand and barely has to hold onto me to walk. One of my favorite things she does is she crawls up to me, uses my pants to stand up and covers her face to try and get me to play peek a boo. She loves that independent attention. When Courtney goes down for her nap in the afternoon, I get 1 1/2 hours of just Caylee. She loves it, I try to spend time with her and we play and read books. She does play pen time and independent play time.
I took her to her 12 month appointment and she is on track (well except for walking) and ahead in her verbal. She talks a lot. I think she hears Courtney all day and trys to keep up. Her favorite word is definitely "snack". She asks for snacks all the time and if someone has food and isn't sharing, she lets them know that it is not acceptable. She can say; Mama, Dada, more (signs it too), all done (signs it too), ball, nana (banana and Nana), mine, Romo, Bop Bop, Minnie, and I know there is more, I just can't think of them. She also loves Romo. She puts her face into him and hugs him, she says "Mine, Mine" when he is around. She also loves all kinds of dogs. When we see them on walks, she wants to see them and pet them as well. When she hears a dog bark, she tries to immitate it.
She is sleeping great. Her naps are at 9:30-11 and at 3-5. She goes to bed at 7 and sleeps til 7. She is a great sleeper and sleeps thru the night. Since the girls share a room, she does great staying a sleep when we put Courtney to bed at night.
Caylee loves music just like Courtney does. As soon as she hears it she starts clapping for dancing. She especially likes Barney, she hears that theme song and immediately starts moving. She likes to watch TV, a lot more than Courtney at this age, probably because we have kid stuff on a lot. She also tries to steal my IPhone all the time. She already knows how to use part of it. She like to hold and look at the pictures and scroll on the screen.
She hates to be changed. It is the time of day that you will hear Caylee scream when she gets a diaper change or an outfit change. I don't know why but she doesn't want to lay down and she fights and screams. As soon as she is done she is happy and acts as though it never happened.
That's my Caylee Love. I just love to snuggle with her and hug her. I miss breast feeding her. That was our special time and I feel like we don't get that as much.
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