Thursday, December 8, 2011

There is only one Mommy

On Monday night Caylee woke in the middle of the night coughing and started to cry, not normal for her. So I went in there to comfort her. She calmed down but then it happened again, and again and a fourth time. After that, I decided to just sleep on the floor in front of the humidifier with her. Each cough seemed difficult and was painful. I felt so bad for her. I laid with her a few minutes and it seemed to be working. Courtney want me to lay with her, so I asked her to lay with us. Within minutes Courtney said she had to poop. She went into the bathroom and instead of pooping she started throwing up all over herself. Oh my goodness! I put Caylee down, and proceeded to clean Courtney up. By that time, Caylee got her second wind and was ready to play. She was being crazy and getting into everything, including the puke on the floor. I got Caylee some warm apple juice and honey and we headed back up to hopefully get both girls down. Caylee continued to ransack the room while Courtney wasn't feeling too good. Coco didn't want me to hold Caylee and Caylee didn't want me to hold Coco. But neither felt good. I held Caylee and laid down and then Coco puked again all over all the blankets. So back up to clean her and the floor up. Now I felt like I needed to hold Coco and not Caylee. Ugh! There is only one Mommy, what do I do? I eventually had to put Caylee in the crib and let her cry. I held Coco until she was ready to go to sleep. I ended up sleeping in Coco's bed, so I was nearby the girls if anything else should come up.

Then today, Romo threw up on the floor. I cleaned that up. Romo wanted to go potty but I couldn't take him out. I smelled this horrible smell and looked over at Caylee and she had diarhea filling her highchair. I put Romo on the patio and he proceeded to have diahrea all over the patio. Meanwhile, I pulled Caylee out of the highchair and put her in the kitchen sink. Oh man, she was disgusting. Poop everywhere, in her hair, and every wrinkle. I finally got her cleaned and then had to clean the highchair, start a load of laundry, and clean the patio. I need a clone with all this sickness stuff.

Oh and did I mention we have a new puppy? Thank goodness for her crate.

1 comment:

  1. Man that's intense! Your a great Mama!!! Somedays feel like I'm in a wild movie... I keep asking myself "is this really happening? Is this really my life?" haha. The joys of motherhood right!!;)
