Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hooky from church

Hooky from church! Caylee had a rough night of sleep. She isn't feeling well and had a rough time going to sleep as did Coco. Lots of screaming. I finally laid with Coco in her bed, it wasnt until Caylee heard daddy singing and playing guitar in the next room that she calmed down. I snuck out once they were asleep. I got to finally see Ben (he had been at work since 7 am). Then at 2 am Belle woke up crying and needed to go potty. Caylee woke about 3:30, not feeling well. I couldn't calm her down, so I brought her downstairs and laid on the couch with her. She finally fell asleep about 5 am. I was so uncomfortable! So I was not feeling the need to rush the kids to church and Caylee definitely needed a good nap to make up from all the missed sleep.

We did make it to a quick lunch out with daddy's co-workers at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was fun until Coco spilled all of daddy's beer in his lap. Killed the mood for a nice lunch.

Friday, January 20, 2012

32 years of experience!

I'm now 32, gosh that seems old. I never pictured myself past 30, I don't know why but it just never seemed like life after 30 would be worth dreaming about. But I think I am happier now than I have ever been. I've learned a lot, especially in the last few years, but I think the most important is that I have a pretty good thing going.

A few things I've learned recently:

1. I always thought I was a patient person, til I had kids
2. Having 2 kids is soo much harder than 1
3. I love having little girls vs boys
4. I don't like to shop
5. I'm too old for junior clothes but too young for women's clothes
6. The only time I can exercise is if I wake up super early
7. My time is not my own
8. My house will never look perfect for longer than 10 minutes
9. My stomach may never be like it was in high school
10. Pretty sure I may never rock climb again unless I meet some new friends who like to
11. I get really sick on roller coasters
12. I'm a horrible driver and even worse at parking (I actually get anxiety parking in small spots)
13. I have a great life
14. Working a 40 hr week job is easier than raising to kids at home
15. I really don't like going to the beach. Mostly because of the sand.
16. I like live music
17. Starbucks can make almost any day better
18. Smaller house means less to clean
19. I married up
20. All I need is a few peanut M&Ms
21. I need sleep
22. I couldn't really do anything without my iPhone
23. If I start my day out right (quiet time and working out and ME time) it goes so much better
24. Little things stress me out and then I take it out on my kids, I need to not do that
25. I love walks
26. Ben is the greatest gift I was given
27. Prayer definitely works
28. I need just a few really good friends
29. I need and can depend on the Lord for everything

Monday, January 16, 2012

This sums up my day

Caylee dropped Coco's smoothie in The cart at Target
Caylee screamed most of our way thru Target
Coco dropped red nail polish on the kitchen floor, then walked thru it
Coco broke her lamp
Coco didn't take her nap
Coco broke part of the window shade during "nap" time
Belle peed and pooped on the floor many times
Coco had 2 accidents right next to the toilet during "nap time"
Coco went to bed in tears
All our trash/cardboard got rained on (messy mess)

That sums up my day, it could have been a lot worse

Thursday, January 12, 2012

"I Don't want to eat it!!"

Both girls were told at dinner that they had to eat at least 1 pea and 1 bite of rice/chicken, in order to get down and play. Both refused. I set the stopwatch and planned to be there til bedtime. I was able to slip Caylee a pea as she screamed and slide a bite of rice in the next time. She wouldn't eat another bite and just kept crying, "Done! Done!" She did the deal so I cleaned her up and she was off to play. Coco on the other hand refused and stood her ground, but so did I! Finally after, crying, screaming, pouting, everything else, she agreed to one pea. Then she ate her bite of rice. I asked if it was good. She said yes. But then said, "Can I get down and play?". Oh my children! They have a way of ruining the tone for the evening sometimes. But I won the battle! I hope Coco remembers it for next time.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Daddy's Softball Game

Tonight Daddy had an early softball game and sonthe girls and I bundled up in our warm coats and boots and headed out. This is the first one since Caylee is walking so well. So we brought the girl's strollers and some stuffed animals. The girls had so much fun pushing their strollers and watching daddy. Caylee was saying hi and bye to all the players and Coco busy chatting with the different wives watching the game. Between the two girls I didn't get to see much of the game. I had my eyes going all different directions making sure they were safe. Those cement steps are not so safe for my Caylee.

Oh my dancing girl

Courtney continues to love dancing. She's still doing ballet and tap.It doesn't seem like she gets much out of it yet, but today, I changed my mind. We were playing a ballet dancing game that she got from, Uncle Chris and Auntie Elisabeth, and in the game she had to do different ballet poses and then put them together in a dance. She was actually doing it and catching onto the moves. It was really cute. We put a song on and she danced her routine. Maybe she is getting it, maybe she will do decent in her dance recital coming up in June.