Thursday, January 12, 2012

"I Don't want to eat it!!"

Both girls were told at dinner that they had to eat at least 1 pea and 1 bite of rice/chicken, in order to get down and play. Both refused. I set the stopwatch and planned to be there til bedtime. I was able to slip Caylee a pea as she screamed and slide a bite of rice in the next time. She wouldn't eat another bite and just kept crying, "Done! Done!" She did the deal so I cleaned her up and she was off to play. Coco on the other hand refused and stood her ground, but so did I! Finally after, crying, screaming, pouting, everything else, she agreed to one pea. Then she ate her bite of rice. I asked if it was good. She said yes. But then said, "Can I get down and play?". Oh my children! They have a way of ruining the tone for the evening sometimes. But I won the battle! I hope Coco remembers it for next time.

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