Wednesday, November 30, 2011

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Baseball

The Coffey family came to Chino Hills (30 min) away for Isaac's baseball tournament yesterday and I wanted to make a point to see them. Whenever they are close, I try to always see them. They are the greatest family ever. We love them, respect them, enjoy lt being with them so much that a few years ago we chose them as the girls's Godparents.

We got there early this morning. Isaac pitched a lot the first game, he did great and the team won. The girls were really good, so we decided to stay for the next game. The girls got to play at the park and daddy got to hit some baseballs, then we sat in the snack bar are to watch the next game. That was perfect because the girls could walk around and play and it was easier to watch them and the game. Caylee even got to nap. The game was exciting and ended in another win! We had to stay for the next game, which involved a bit of a wait. So Amy cut Courtney's hair and then Amy and I took the girls's to Starbucks while the boys stayed back and watched football and baseball.

Game number 3 was against the best team in the nation and it didnt seem like the boys had a chance. Courtney found some little girls to play with and was pretty content. The game had some great plays, Isaac had a perfect catch and they ended up winning the game which meant they won the tournament. It was fun to part of the excitement.

I was proud of the girls for being so good despite not really having naps. I did not plan to be there all day so I didn't bring a bunch of supplies, but we managed, they were entertained and we all had a blast.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Courtney' 1st Dance Class

"what do you want your new teacher to call you? Coco or Courtney?"... "Courtney!" .... Courtney's Gamma got her dance lessons, dance shoes and out fits for her 3 rd birthday. There was a waiting list, so finally 1 month later she got in. She was nervous going, but within 1 minute she was having a blast. She did so good! She listened really well to the teacher but definitely was off a bit. But who wouldn't be the first day. She had so much fun, but when you ask what her favorite part was, she says "When the teacher said I was smelly!". She holds her nose. I'm not sure what happened because all the parents were outside, but she thought it was really funny.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Stationery card

Family Stories Christmas Card
Heartfelt: Christmas photo cards and holiday cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Courtney Sue: 3 Years

Courtney turned 3 about 10 days ago and she has definitely been challenging me lately, but she is more silly and fun than ever.

She still loves music. She always makes up songs. She has a similar tune she uses and some words make sense and others don't. Several people have said that she has a good voice and stays in tune. Obviously she doesn't get that trait from mommy. She also loves to dance. As soon as music is on she is moving. She has no shame dance on her chair in a restaurant, in the middle of a store or at home on our coffee table. She has recently been into "Princess songs". She has cute versions to "Part of your world", and "A Whole New World".

She also loves to play with strollers and grocery carts. If she can push it around you've got her sold. She puts Romo in her stroller and pushes him everywhere. Romo is one of her favorite toys. She just loves him and doesn't like to do much without him. Her other favorite toys are her little plastic princesses, stuffed animals, doctor kit and our iPhones.

She is so good on the iPhone. She knows how to take pictures, play games, put on music and scroll thru YouTube. She is so smart! Her memory amazes me. She has numerous songs memorized, she remembers places and people from so long ago. We are practices the ABCs and numbers during our "school" time. She loves school time and asks me all the time if we can do it. We sit at the kitchen table for about 30 min and do some learning.

Courtney has so many friends, I couldn't even begin to mention them all. She has her own little "fan club" at church, as some have called it. The older girls around ages 7-10, just love her. She follows them around and plays with them, holds their hands and does whatever the older girls want. She has a few other friends at church that are closer to her age; Naomi, Ciera Newman, Marin. Her best friend is Haley Marshall. She still plays with her at least once a week. Her mom and I chat and the girls play. They love it. They have a sweet little bond, but have started to fight more a bit. But they still love each other. Her other friends are in my Mom's group: Rebecca, Abby Reen, Abby Noon.

One of Courtney's favorite places to go is Disneyland. We have season passes, so we go a lot. She asks to go often. Her favorite rides/activities are: Small World, Carousel, parade, meeting the characters, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Dumbo, and the tea cups. She also loves going to church and cries when we leave each Sunday. She loves the park as well. Every morning when she wakes up, the first thing she asks me, "Are we going bye bye?". The girl hates to stay home.

Courtney still gets so much attention when we are out in public. Whether its saying "Hi" to everyone she sees, singing and dancing in public, opening doors for people or just being Coco. When people ask her what her name is she says, "Coco Sue Inkinsey!".

Courtney is not much of an eater these days. She eats pretty well for breakfast with toast being her all time favorite food. She loves snacks and would just snack all day if I let her. She rarely eats dinner. I don't know if she's not hungry or if she just doesn't like to eat. She went 4 meals in a row without eating and wasn't sick. Her other favorite foods are: chips, chocolate milk, crackers, cookies, chicken.

Courtney is still a great sleeper. She wakes about 7:30 and takes a 3 hr nap from 1:45-4:45 and goes to bed at 8:20. She is great about staying in her bed at night and naptime and is greatly affected when she doesn't get enough sleep.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Caylee Love 13 Months

Caylee is 13 months now. She is a busy little one. We need to always check the toilet before we flush because you never know what Caylee has put in there. She has put lots of toys, binkies, clothing tags, diapers, clothes, etc. It is a daily battle.

Caylee is a good eater, she is not a fan of veggies unless they are pured. She loves most fruit especially if it is pured. Her favorite food is cherrios. The smile on her face when I bring out the box is priceless. She also likes gold fish and loves ice cream. You can't spooon it in fast enough.

I just love her goofy smile. She has 8 teeth now, including the 2 on top that are coming in now. She does this goofy smile where she scrunches up her nose and shows off her teeth. I love it. She gets very jealous if Courtney gets other food or extra attention. If Im holding Courtney in the "purple chair", she comes right up and starts torturing Courtney. She hits her, pulls her hair and shows us her goofy smile. She just wants to be a part of everything. Also, if Im holding another baby she cries and wants me to hold her. She loves her daddy. When daddy gets home from work, she gets a big smile and says "Dada, Dada!". She wants him to kiss her when he gets home and when he leaves. Her favorite game with Daddy is when he chases her.

I have started to separate her at naptime sometimes. She is a little instigator with Courtney. Courtney will be sleeping either in the morning or at nap and Caylee wakes up and tries her hardest to wake Coco so that she can play. She is usually successful. So I put her in the pack n play, at her afternoon nap, in our closet (thank goodness for walk in closets) and she sleeps great.

Caylee is still not walking, but she is standing on her own. Each day she is braver and stands longer. Today she was clapping for Courtney and standing on her own. She walks great holding onto a hand and barely has to hold onto me to walk. One of my favorite things she does is she crawls up to me, uses my pants to stand up and covers her face to try and get me to play peek a boo. She loves that independent attention. When Courtney goes down for her nap in the afternoon, I get 1 1/2 hours of just Caylee. She loves it, I try to spend time with her and we play and read books. She does play pen time and independent play time.

I took her to her 12 month appointment and she is on track (well except for walking) and ahead in her verbal. She talks a lot. I think she hears Courtney all day and trys to keep up. Her favorite word is definitely "snack". She asks for snacks all the time and if someone has food and isn't sharing, she lets them know that it is not acceptable. She can say; Mama, Dada, more (signs it too), all done (signs it too), ball, nana (banana and Nana), mine, Romo, Bop Bop, Minnie, and I know there is more, I just can't think of them. She also loves Romo. She puts her face into him and hugs him, she says "Mine, Mine" when he is around. She also loves all kinds of dogs. When we see them on walks, she wants to see them and pet them as well. When she hears a dog bark, she tries to immitate it.

She is sleeping great. Her naps are at 9:30-11 and at 3-5. She goes to bed at 7 and sleeps til 7. She is a great sleeper and sleeps thru the night. Since the girls share a room, she does great staying a sleep when we put Courtney to bed at night.

Caylee loves music just like Courtney does. As soon as she hears it she starts clapping for dancing. She especially likes Barney, she hears that theme song and immediately starts moving. She likes to watch TV, a lot more than Courtney at this age, probably because we have kid stuff on a lot. She also tries to steal my IPhone all the time. She already knows how to use part of it. She like to hold and look at the pictures and scroll on the screen.

She hates to be changed. It is the time of day that you will hear Caylee scream when she gets a diaper change or an outfit change. I don't know why but she doesn't want to lay down and she fights and screams. As soon as she is done she is happy and acts as though it never happened.

That's my Caylee Love. I just love to snuggle with her and hug her. I miss breast feeding her. That was our special time and I feel like we don't get that as much.