Saturday, June 23, 2012

It's been too long!

I haven't been writing for a long time because I was trying something different where I can post things easier. But I was reading old posts about potty training and there was so much good stuff and fun memories I had forgotten and I think I need to write more. So I'm going to try. This morning we went to the park for a family party with my Mom's Club. I'm finishing the year off as VP and moving into presidentcy. The girls had fun at the park, playing with their friends. The girls made "gold medals" and Courtney was so proud of hers. She wore it he whole party. She even helped Caylee make one. Everyone brought "ride on" toys and Caylee had fun trying them all out. She was a little unsure of letting other kids use hers.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chipmunks Moonie

Once the girls were up from their naps last weekend, we put them in the stroller and walked to the cheap theatre. Daddy had seen that the Chipmunks movie was playing. Since that is Coco's favorite movie, we had to go. 

The movie was packed, luckily we got a seat in the back. The girls did really good, especially Caylee. She had to sit on my lap the whole time. I brought tons of snacks to keep them busy. In every music scene the girls were dancing. at one point I had both girls in my lap and Courtney had her arm around Caylee. It was one of those moments that I don't ever want to forget. 

After the movie we went next door to Ruby's and got milkshakes. Chocolate is still Courtney's favorite. Then we walked home. It was a fun cheap evening. Everyone was good and we all had fun.

Superbowl Sunday

On Superbowl Sunday, Daddy had plans to go golfing with his friends, so I took the girls to church. We went to the first service so that Caylee could get a nap in before the big Superbowl party. We met our friend Jessica and her son Mark at church. After church, I was able to put Caylee down for a nap, Jessica put Mark down and Coco and I played while Jessica went out with a friend and packed up their car. We headed over to our Superbowl party at our friend's the Mier Family.  It was fun, a few families, so it wasn't too crazy. I still didn't get to watch the Superbowl much. I just don't trust Caylee. They have a big open stairwell and I could just see Caylee crawling up the stairs. So I felt like I had to keep an eye on her.  The girls were both really good. Courtney was nice and sweet, and she was sharing. Most importantly, she was a good listener.  Caylee did great too. She had fun playing with the kids, toys and eating junk food. We went to the park during the halftime show.  The girls went on the swings and the slides. And Caylee threw a huge fit when we left. Oh it begins, just like big sister used to do.

Saving for a bike

Courtney met a new friend at the park the other day. At first she told me that she didn't want to be friends with her, then she ended up playing with her the whole time and they had so much fun together. She had a princess bike. Courtney really wants to get one and now she wants one even more. So I told her she has to work to earn the money, just like daddy does. So on Monday, she dusted, vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen floor and the toilet. Oh and picked up dog poop. She loved it! She even said, "Thank you so much mommy for letting me clean with you." We will see how long it lasts.

Courtney has also decided that she doesn't want to wear diapers at night anymore. She told me, "Mom, I need you to help me learn how to not go pee in my diaper at night anymore." I told her its going to be hard work for her, but I'm up for trying. So we started this week. We are starting with no liquid after dinner. She has only had one dry diaper, but the others have been close. It's hard to deny her water at night. So we will see. I told her she has to have 5 nights in a row before we go with no diaper.

Caylee on the other hand has been guzzling water at night and seeping thru all diapers. I've been changing her sheets daily. I even doubled her up. I put a pull up on over her diaper, before I could get to the store to buy overnight diapers. Now we are good to go.

Costco Fieldtrip

We got to tour Costco tour last week with our Mom's group. We had so much fun. The kids got real Costco name tags, saw where the pizza is made, where the meat is cut, they decorated cupcakes, and in the end they gave us a pizza party. It was great. The kids were well behaved and we had a great time. They even had us wear hair nets in all the food prep areas. Courtney's favorite part was the cupcake decorating and eating the pizza she said. Caylee was a good sport about it and just sat in her stroller, except when I tried to put a hair net on her. That did not go over very well.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hooky from church

Hooky from church! Caylee had a rough night of sleep. She isn't feeling well and had a rough time going to sleep as did Coco. Lots of screaming. I finally laid with Coco in her bed, it wasnt until Caylee heard daddy singing and playing guitar in the next room that she calmed down. I snuck out once they were asleep. I got to finally see Ben (he had been at work since 7 am). Then at 2 am Belle woke up crying and needed to go potty. Caylee woke about 3:30, not feeling well. I couldn't calm her down, so I brought her downstairs and laid on the couch with her. She finally fell asleep about 5 am. I was so uncomfortable! So I was not feeling the need to rush the kids to church and Caylee definitely needed a good nap to make up from all the missed sleep.

We did make it to a quick lunch out with daddy's co-workers at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was fun until Coco spilled all of daddy's beer in his lap. Killed the mood for a nice lunch.

Friday, January 20, 2012

32 years of experience!

I'm now 32, gosh that seems old. I never pictured myself past 30, I don't know why but it just never seemed like life after 30 would be worth dreaming about. But I think I am happier now than I have ever been. I've learned a lot, especially in the last few years, but I think the most important is that I have a pretty good thing going.

A few things I've learned recently:

1. I always thought I was a patient person, til I had kids
2. Having 2 kids is soo much harder than 1
3. I love having little girls vs boys
4. I don't like to shop
5. I'm too old for junior clothes but too young for women's clothes
6. The only time I can exercise is if I wake up super early
7. My time is not my own
8. My house will never look perfect for longer than 10 minutes
9. My stomach may never be like it was in high school
10. Pretty sure I may never rock climb again unless I meet some new friends who like to
11. I get really sick on roller coasters
12. I'm a horrible driver and even worse at parking (I actually get anxiety parking in small spots)
13. I have a great life
14. Working a 40 hr week job is easier than raising to kids at home
15. I really don't like going to the beach. Mostly because of the sand.
16. I like live music
17. Starbucks can make almost any day better
18. Smaller house means less to clean
19. I married up
20. All I need is a few peanut M&Ms
21. I need sleep
22. I couldn't really do anything without my iPhone
23. If I start my day out right (quiet time and working out and ME time) it goes so much better
24. Little things stress me out and then I take it out on my kids, I need to not do that
25. I love walks
26. Ben is the greatest gift I was given
27. Prayer definitely works
28. I need just a few really good friends
29. I need and can depend on the Lord for everything