I was up at 5:30 and out of the house by 9. Hmmm! What's wrong with that picture. Yes it took me 3 1/2 hours to get myself ready, the girls ready, feed Caylee, feed both girls breakfast, and gather last minute items for the trip, walk partway to the car, come back fir acourtney to pool, walk to the car, load everything and realize we forgot rain jackets, unload both girls, put them in the stroller, walk back to the house, get jackets and back to the car. Whew!!
I had to get Starbucks so that tacked on another 25 min. So I was on the road by 9:20 and in Ventura by a little after 11. The girls did great on the trip up. Caylee slept most of the way. And Courtney kept wanting to play games Nd then finally conked out.
We went straight to my brither's house so Courtney could play with Kai and Caylee played with Caprice. It's fun that they are all pretty close in age. We took picnic lunches to the park. We only played a bit at the park and then the older kids played in the back yard while the babies played. Coco had so much fun, her and Kai get along really well.
We finally made it to my parents and just stayed there the rest of the day and night.
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