I've been looking at my Caylee lately and she is getting so big. I love seeing her get so big and learning new things, but it makes me sad. I just want to freeze her and absorb everything I can. I have so much to do every day and I need to just stop what I am doing and play with her.

She is just so cute right now. She is grabbing at everything, starting to sing and I just love her laugh. Tonight Courtney, Caylee and I were dancing in the kitchen and she was just cracking up. It made me want to keep going. I usually don't let her fall asleep in my arms while feed her, but I did tonight. She was so sweet.
Caylee is already eating 3 different yellow vegetables and loves them. She eats so much. Last week I really worked on her taking the bottle and I pumped every day and worked on giving her the bottle. We did it 6 out of the 7 days. The whole process takes over an hour, but I know it will pay off in the end. This week, I am doing every other day and she even drank quite a bit out of the sippy cup today too.
Just like Courtney she gets so much attention while we are out. She is smiley, easy going and goes to anyone.
Courtney has had a really good week. I don't know if it is because she is growing up or if we just had a good week. But she seemed older this week. She seemed as though she understood more and I could trust her a little bit more. Going from the car to the house was easier and I was able to get by taking the stroller less.

I have been doing a lot of positive encouragement for her and she loves it. On Tuesday we went to the beach as a family. She was having a hard time and was not listening. We told her she wouldn't get to go if she kept that up. I started praising her for good behavior and her attitude turned. We continued to point out what she was doing well and complimented her a lot. Today we went to the pool with her friend Haley and she did great just playing on the stairs and I could tell she was trying to listen and do the right thing. Of Course we have definitely had our moments, but now when she gets in trouble it seems to impact her more because it is not just another time out.
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