Friday, January 28, 2011

Finally somewhat of a Normal Day

This week has been all out of sorts. Between new bible studies, doctor appointments and visitors we have had a normal day. Today was almost normal. I changed Caylee's schedule (one her pediatrician recommended) and it hasn't had a chance to pan out. Right now I'm not on board with it. If she doesn't sleep well tonight. I might switch her back. She hasn't slept thru the night since I switched and she was doing so well.

The dreaded errands were today. But they went really well for a change. I thought we were in for it when Caylee screamed bloody murder for about 20 min before we left. So we left 20 min late. But it helped that Courtney is more dependable with the potty, and I brought music and snacks again. My goal was to leave as early as possible. We only had to go to Target, that helped too. When we got to Target I had Courtney look at all toys in the $1 section. She picked a Minnie Mouse book. This is her reward for pooping on the potty, she is still not 100% successful with that so we need some more motivation. We did our shopping and we headed to the car. I asked Courtney to try and potty in the car, on her little potty, while I loaded the baby. It's a great way to keep her busy while I am busy. I reminded her about the "Minnie Mouse" Book. As I was returning the cart I kept her in my side view and saw her get up. She yelled "Poopie Mama!". So I ran over and sure enough she had poopied in her potty. We did a poopie and dance and celebrated. She immediately asked for the Minnie Mouse book. I got it out for her, she was so proud of herself. So what do you do with a toddler potty full of poop. There was no trash can that I could easily get to, so we drove the poopie home and I threw it out at home.

For the first time we were able to do errands without me getting completely frustrated. It felt good, like I finally accomplished something. I am getting this stuff down, I finally figured out today, that if I have Courtney walk from the car to the house, I can load her side of the stroller with groceries. This way I was able to get all the groceries in one trip. Usually I have to make 2-3 trips. Once we got home and I got the cold stuff put away,and Courtney got her "Orange" popscicle for her poopie. I fed Caylee and then we were able to even go on a run before lunch. We brought Romo and he was so excited to get out of the house. Poor guy is really missing Wrigley.

The girls went down for naps at their normal times and both slept great. I was able to get cleaning and some decluttering done and put all the groceries away. Courtney woke up a little early from her nap. I heard her in the monitor crying and saying, "Uh oh mommy!", "Owie!", "Ewie, sticky!", "Mommy!". So I ran up to discover she had thrown up in her bed. Poor baby! So I grabbed her out and held her and she was super hot. I took her temp and she was 101. Great, just in time for the weekend of lots of activities.

I let Courtney watch Barney in our bed and I put clothes away in the girls room and tried to do some organization. Their room is always so messy with clothes. I feel like clothes are always in and out with both of them growing so fast. We get hand me downs and we give them away, so clothes are constantly being organized.

I am training Caylee to sleep in her crib, I have been having her take a few naps in there and I think with this new schedule she will be able to take her 3rd nap in there everyday. She did great today, her best in the crib yet. I think she slept 1 1/2 hours which is all I could have asked for.

Courtney seemed to be better by bedtime. She was definitely tired and looked like she didn't feel well but her temp went down to 99 and she wasn't complaining about her tummy. We will see what tonight brings or tomorrow morning.

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