Friday, January 14, 2011

Potty Training Day 5

Today was a good day. I think we are done training and now have to create habits and keep reinforcing. There is no turning back now.

I told Courtney when she woke up, that if she peed in the potty this morning we would go to story time at the library. She peed not once but 3 times! And not a single accident. So I loaded up our stuff. Two extra pairs of pants, two panties, 2 garbage bags to protect the car seat and stroller, towels for seats, candies, snacks for motivation, oh and two kiddos. I tried a new incentive to stay on the potty. She can play on my phone or watch Barney on my phone only if she is sitting on the potty. It works wonders. This girl is more addicted to the iPhone than her daddy.

We went to story time and she loved it, then we checked out her first book at the library (another reward for peeing on the potty) and afterwards we even hit up the Taco Bell drive thru and not a single accident. She did amazing.

Apparently though, she felt she didn't need a nap today. But she just played in her bed for about 3 hours. At least she had quiet time. We did bubbles outside, her next reward for peeing in the potty. All was well until daddy came home from work. Courtney just adores daddy sonmuch that she gets distracted, so she had her first accident of the day (it was just a little one) in her high chair at dinner. She did so good though. I'm really proud of her.

Nothing big at the McKinsey house tonight. Daddy's on call and we are just hanging out.

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