No matter where we go and for any length of time it always feels so good to be home. Just getting off our exit feels good. I love Irvine. It is the greatest place we have ever lived. It is so clean and nice, everything is new. I really appreciate it when I'm gone and come back. We had fun today, we met up with my friend Amy who happens to be the girl's god parent. We stopped at Starbucks and took Courtney to the park, because I had to feed the baby. Then we went on a walk along the promenade in Ventura. We ended with lunch at CPK. Courtney had fun, she loves Amy and Amy is so good with her. I wanted to time feeding the baby with driving. So I quickly fed Caylee while Courtney played at the playground at the mall. It seems like Caylee is having a harder time feeding out in public. I don't like that. I need to get her used to eating in chaos. We headed home after that and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Both girls fell asleep and we beat traffic. We made it home in time to see Ben before he took off. Courtney was so excited to see him.
We had fun surprises when we got home too. More Christmas presents from Gak Gak and Mimi and a clean house. I'm so lucky to have a man who cares about he house and cleans up.
I'm exhausted from being gone and I think I'm going to call it a night.
Four more days til potty training!
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