We headed to the park. I knew we shouldn't go as a reward but I also knew we should go because I need the fresh air and time to chat with friends and Courtney needed some park time with friends. Once we got there, she was great again! Can we say mood swings? She had so much fun with her friend Abby. They were really cute. Courtney was holding her hand and dragging her all over the park. Abby wanted her to eat snack with her and Courtney wanted Abby to play. I love that she has little friends to play with.
We headed home and the ease of the day ended. Caylee woke up and cried and screamed til she went to bed tonight. I tried everything. Nothing would settle her. After I fed her in the afternoon, she seemed happy for a bit and I thought it would be the perfect chance to take a nap (I'm getting sick too, and not feeling well at all). As soon as I laid down the screaming began again. I even went as far as waking Courtney up so we could go on a walk, thinking that would help. Nope!
I gave both the girls a bath and as I was changing Caylee, Courtney yells out Uh oh poopy. I raced in hoping she would go on the potty, nope, she went right in the bath! Yep, my daughter had a giant poop in the bath. Disgusting! Oh, how I wish Ben had been there.
Exhausting day. I am hoping that I am feeling better tomorrow because we are off to Disneyland.
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