Sunday, February 6, 2011

So Proud of Both My Girls

I'm so proud of both my girls today. Sundays can be hard, our schedules are off, naps usually are short or don't happen and Ben is often gone in the morning for church and I'm on my own to get the girls ready and to church in time. We had a busy day planned and everything went so well. Both girls went with the flow and were so well behaved. A proud mommy moment!

Last night before bed, I laid out Courtney's money that she had earned this week for being good and I had her pick out which "monies" she would give to Jesus. She picked out 4 pieces of money, which isn't too bad considering there were about 30 pieces in there. So we talked about why we do this and so on. I think though that she believes our friend Ariel is Jesus. I did the best I could to explain he wasnt. So this morning as we headed church she reminded me about her "monies for Jesus". So sweet!

Since it is Superbowl Sunday we went to our friend's Joe and Laura's house. Courtney was so excited. She loves being with them and they are so sweet to her. Both girls only got about a 40 min nap in the car. Caylee went right back to sleep once we got there and Courtney played. There was another little boy there and she shared with him, played with him, was a good listener and didn't throw a fit when told No. She also went to the bathroom each time I asked. She even told me (well in a sense, she said Mickey had to poo poo) and she pooped in the toilet. Toasted the end of the game she got really tired and cranky and actually asked to go to sleep. I set her pack n play up and she was out in 20 seconds! And Caylee, slept, played and ate when I needed her to. We just set up her bed in their spare room and she did great. It's so nice to have a day like this when we have had a week as we did. I almost feel like I had a day off.

We are so lucky to have such good friends. We are surrounded constantly by good people that love us and care for us. I love where we live!


  1. That's great Heather. I'm glad you got a break - you deserve it!

  2. Yes, your girls were so good as always, and what a blast we had with Coco. I loved watching her dive into the Doritos bowl. I wouldn't be surprised if her mouth was stained orange for a couple of days! :)
