We started the morning at Disneyland. It was pretty crowded so we didn't stay long. We basically only went on one ride but we listened to "Princess Storytime", saw Pluto, Belle, and Cinderella.
We had lunch in Downtown Disney, then Ben dropped us off at home so the girls could take their naps. He headed out for golf and I stayed home to clean.
Once the girls got up, I fed Caylee and Courtney had "closet playtime". I quickly got the girls ready meanwhile Courtney had an accident in her Highchair and then while I was changing Caylee's very messy diaper, Courtney threw handfuls of dinner on the ground and mushed it in her fingers. Ugh! So frustrating!
Ben called and we headed to the car to meet him to go for dinner. We went to my favorite place "Spaghetti Factory". I love that place. The girls did pretty good. Courtney loved the fact that the bathroom was upstairs so she kept asking to go, and she had a few break downs but for the most part it was fun. I took Caylee out of the carseat for a bit and let her play with Courtney. The two are so cute together. I can't wait til they can really play.
After that we walked the Newport Pier. On the pier are lots of people fishing, so we took Courtney and Caylee to see the fishes. We actually saw a ton of batrays. It was cool to see them swimming in the dark water, almost Erie feeling. We even saw a seal jump. We stayed for awhile, watched the water and the fishermen.
It was a fun and adventurous day. It almost felt like we were on vacation.