1. Picked up their poop off the floor of their room (or their friend's room) and then cleaned the wall from them wiping their poop on it.
2. Rescued them from falling completely into the public toilet
3. Tried to explain why we can't lick stuff in a public bathroom or any bathroom that is. Just building immunities!
4. Held an infant while carrying a screaming kicking toddler into the store and "gently" putting them in the grocery cart
5. Reversing your steps thru Target in search if that "missing" shoe, only to discover that it was in the cart the whole time.
6. Try to explain why we can't throw the baby's "bumbo seat" into the play pen while baby is in it.
7. Instructed them to not take their clothes off at the park.
8. Explained that it is inappropriate to walk around with your hands down your pants
9. Grabbed a box of fish crackers off the shelf at Target, opened them, fed them to your child all before paying for them
10. Let your child pay for a prize in pennies
11. Don't shower for 3 days in fear of your toddler escaping
12. Walk into the room only to find your child's bear, hands and face covered in Vasoline.
13. Think your child is napping and walk in to see the window screen has a foot gaping hole, from tiny fingers picking at it for two hours
14. Explain over and over not to take their diaper off during nap time
15. Force them to pick up a box of Legos for 2 hours
16. Find them naked in their bed sleeping in a puddle of pee
17. Do a poo poo dance when they poop in the toilet
18. Discipline the dog for eating the child's poop out of their underwear
19. Cleaned poop off the walls of the bedroom since the toddler finger painted a picture with their poo
20. Search the house high and low for that special stuffed animal before bedtime
21. Find a sippy cup under the couch with a week's worth of curdled milk inside
22. Have the power to make an owie go away by a simple kiss
23. Stayed up late into the the wee morning hours, sick yourself and holding your sick little one and still be able to wake up early and take care of the family with a smile on your face.
Oh Heather, we are so in the same situation...well, I havn't potty trained Avery yet but remember those days with my older two. I can relate in so many different ways! Soon they'll be in grade school and you'll have a whole new list of "you know you have kids in school when..." lol