Friday, March 25, 2011

Today felt good

Today was a day in which we had no plans and so our new schedule/routine was in full force. We've been working this whole week on it so today it finally paid off. The girls both woke up early. Courtney actually did what I've been asking her to do for a month and she stayed in her bed and said, "I'm all done!". I went in and told her it was too early to wake up, I turned on her lullaby music and she actually stayed in bed for once. Too bad Caylee woke up soon after, so when I went to grab her I had to let Courtney get up.

I decided to try the bottle on Caylee again this morning and after an hour of trying she finally drank 3 1/2 oz. It's not a lot but the most she has for the last 4 months. Then I had to nurse her after that. Meanwhile, I had Courtney busy with different activities. Everything went smooth even though I was preoccupied with Caylee. Once Courtney was done with room time then Caylee went down for nap. We took the mail out, the trash, played outside, did school, a learning activity and she did "closet playtime". Soon it was time to feed both girls. Then naptime for Courtney, blanket time for Caylee and them mommy time for Caylee all before her next nap. I love when the morning is smooth.

Once Courtney was up and I fed Caylee we walked to Albertsons to get a few things a d walked back to feed Caylee cereal and get dinner started. Courtney did a few activities and then some TV time. I fed Courtney early, well before daddy came home. Then it was baths and to bed.

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