Oh my sweet Caylee Love. She is doing so well. I have to admit I was a little worried when she was 2 weeks to about 2 months, but once I figured her out we clicked. I can't believe how easy she has been to put in Courtney's room. The past few nights Courtney has screamed and cried for 30+ minutes and she has slept right thru it. She is a great napper too, she naps right on schedule and wakes up happy. Of course she has her moments, but they are so few right now. Maybe she seems easy because Courtney is so rough right now, or maybe the Lord has her being easy for me right now. Either way, she is such a blessing and I love seeing her smile and making her giggle. She just loves Courtney and smiles when she sees her.
I think I'm making progress with Courtney. I was thinking it might be a time issue. So I have switched her naps back since she us waking up earlier. Today she did great and was asleep at 11:45 and didn't get out once. Last night I had to put her down later, 8:00, since we were out and she only got out of bed one time. So tonight I put her down late as well. We will see. Problem is she is waking earlier, napping less and going down later. What do I do with all this extra time? Extra time meaning almost 4 hours. Today she watched a lot of TV, but I don't want that to be routine. I tried setting up activities for her, but I just wasn't prepared for all the extra time. The other tough part is we are kind of stuck at home, Caylee naps from 9-11, Courtney from 11:30- 1:30, and Caylee 1-3. So from 9-3 we gave to be home for the most part. I guess I need to get creative.
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