Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Night 1: Transitioning Caylee into the Girls' Room

I'm pretty sure it's that time to finally put Caylee into Courtney's room. I've been dreading this since I was pregnant knowing this would be a challenge. Now that I'm here and ready, it's going to be more of a challenge than I thought. To start with, Courtney is on day 6 (I think, I'm losing count) of getting out of her bed at night, morning and naps. The mornings she has been getting up earlier and earlier every day. I think yesterday it was as early as 6 am! That's a big change from me going Into her room at 7:45 to get her out of bed. That's 1 hr 45 min of my time that is consumed into baby time. So with her getting out of bed right now, that means she will have no fear getting out of bed and waking Caylee or worse climbing into her bed.

Caylee has been doing great sleeping thru the night. Ben has a wacky early morning schedule and he wakes anywhere from 4-7 am. So I'm always paranoid that he won't hear his alarm and it's going to wake the baby, so I'm usually up for awhile making sure he is up a d the alarm isn't blaring. Well lately she has been waking to the alarm and then sees him and she wakes up enough to want to eat.

Today I started the discipline of leading Courtney back to bed with no talking and emotion. It worked pretty good. I'm also trying my best to reward her when she does what is right. So this morning she got out of bed, i took her back and had her stay for about 20 min. Then i rewarded her for staying. So hopefully after a few days of this I'll be good to put Caylee in the crib. She has been taking 1-2 naps a day in there so she has gotten used to it. So for tonight: I have our bedroom door open and Caylee is sleeping in the hall. I can still hear her and Courtney doesn't know she is there. Then first thing when i wake up, i will wheel her in before Courtney wakes. Hopefully she is far enough out of the room not to be affected by the alarm and seeing Ben. We will see. I'm preparing myself for an early morning.

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