After 22 days I think I may have figured my Courtney out or I broke her strong will. I did make some changes to her routine and figured a few things out. But she is still getting far less sleep than she should, so I still have the dilemma of what to do with the extra time.
Daylight savings time helped Courtney to sleep in a little longer. She has been getting up at 7 instead of 6. I have been putting her down for a nap earlier, thinking she was overtired before. She was telling me that she was tired and I was ignoring it. She is now going down around 12ish. I'm trying to put her down 5 1/2 hours after she woke up. She is only sleeping 2 hours for her nap versus 3 1/2 before. Lastly, I am putting her to bed later at 8. I am thinking she wasn't tired enough. She was going down at 7:30. I always sing both girls the same song "I Love You Lord" before they go to sleep, but lately I've been frustrated and have quickie sang it as I walked out. The last 5 days I have been singing it slowly and I take my time and put my had on her and rub her back a bit. It seems to help.
So for the last 5 nights she has done really well and the last several naps as well. She has been staying in her bed after naps and in the morning. I practically woke her up a few times so I could catch her being good. It worked, she got the rewards and now is striving towards them.
Caylee has been doing great going to bed in her crib. She has slept thru Courtney's tantrums, night terrors and yelling. Likewise, Courtney has slept thru Caylee talking, and crying.
Courtney has also pooped in the potty 10 days in a row. She's had a few accidents, but everyday has made it at least 1 x in the potty. One day last week she went 4 xs! I'm going to reduce the reward to a little gummy bear.
Finally, I feel a little freedom coming back. That was a long 3 weeks.
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